Choose the plan that fits your needs.
Get started for free
- 30 day free trial
- 200 headline generations (10x results per generation)
- 10 seats
- 1 custom model
Publisher Pro
Get started for free
- 30 day free trial
- 500 headline generations (10x results per generation)
- 20 seats
- 1 custom model
Get in touch with us for details.
What is a headline generation?
Each headline generation gives you 10 subject line suggestions for your newsletter. For example, the Publisher plan with 100 generations actually provides you with 1,000 headline options per month.
What does "custom model" mean?
Our tool learns from your past newsletter performance to suggest headlines that work best for your specific audience. Additional custom models cost $350 each.
Can I change plans later?
Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time. Changes will apply from your next billing cycle.
Is there a free trial available?
Yes, we offer a month free trial of our Publisher plan. No credit card is required to start.